SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard, Not So Standard After All
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard, Not So Standard After All
Simulation Standard is the entry level Simulation offering from SOLIDWORKS. Simulation Standard offers exceptional functionality for the cost, and can be added to a network or stand-alone seat of SOLIDWORKS. Simulation Standard includes the Static Linear Analysis offered in SOLIDWORKS Premium, and adds Fatigue Analyses and Trend Tracker.
Let’s look at what comes with SOLIDWORKS Premium first. SOLIDWORKS Premium offers what I call the “Foundation of Simulation”. With SOLIDWORKS Premium the user has access to the full Linear Static analysis tool including Part, and Assembly analysis. A full list of Contacts, Constraints and Loads are also included. The Linear Static Simulation included with SOLIDWORKS Premium also provides access to the breadth of mesh capabilities including Solid, Shell, and Beam meshing.
As an option from upgrading your SOLIDWORKS Professional, or Standard seat to SOLIDWORKS Premium, you can add Simulation Standard. Simulation Standard gives you so much more including the Foundation of Simulation contained in SOLIDWORKS Premium, Fatigue analysis and Trend Tracker.
Everyone is concerned with how long their design is going to last. The Fatigue module allows the user to test multiple load cases, and cycles to determine the overall life expectancy of the design. Not only are you able to test the design for the initial condition of load but you can accurately and efficiently predict the designs life expectancy. Please see the blog “Fatigue Why is It Important?” for more information regarding the Fatigue analysis in Simulation Standard.
Trend Tracker is another module included with Simulation Standard. Trend Tracker allows a user to set a base line for a design, and make changes on the fly automatically capturing the newest iteration. Trend Tracker gives the user a history of the design changes providing instant feedback on how the design has varied. Changes to stress, displacement, mass etc. are all captured in easy to read graphs, and galleries. This provides the user with quick information to make design decisions. The user can move back to any previous iteration desired.
If you are considering adding analysis to your design work flow, and currently own SOLIDWORKS I would highly recommend looking at Simulation Standard as an option. With the added functionality Standard provides exceptional value for the price. Additionally, please see the Simulation product matrix, Simulation has wide range of options that cover almost every criterion you will encounter with your design.