Toledo. Home of Tony Packos, the Mud Hens, Jamie Farr, and the second stop on 3DVision’s What’s New in SOLIDWORKS 2009 tour.

I have been looking forward to this day for a while. This is the first time I have gotten to see our new applications engineer, Jordan Tadic in action. It appears he is as good as advertised. He had good pace and really was able to show the cool new features well. The people of Northern Ohio have it pretty good.

It always interests me how different groups have personalities. I had very few questions in Cincy, but almost 15 minutes worth of questions here in Toledo….from many people too, not just one guy hogging up all the time. Several people were very interested in Enterprise’s new ability to confirm state changes with password verification.

As a change of pace, Balaji Chandrasekaran from SOLIDWORKS showed the new features of Cosmos. Check out Seth’s post that he did earlier today.

There were no groupies; perhaps the word out on the street isn’t out yet?

See ya in Cleveland.

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