SOLIDWORKS 2017 What’s New – Preventing Users From Changing System Options – #SW2017
Preventing Users From Changing System Options
SOLIDWORKS is a versatile software allowing users quite a bit of latitude in making changes to system parameters. This is great because there is tremendous flexibility in adapting designs to meet specific outcomes, but what if it’s a bad idea for users to modify the system options as they see fit? Individuals making changes to suit their own workflow may end up reducing consistency and efficiency for the overall design process – especially for larger companies.
In SOLIDWORKS 2017, administrators now have the ability to restrict and prevent users from making changes to SOLIDWORKS system options. This new tool however can only be used during the process of creating an admin image or editing a preexisting one. Here’s how it works:
First, navigate to the Admin Image folder (located on the computer where the image was created). This location can be found through the Installation Manager wizard.
Launch the sldAdminOptionEditor.exe application located in the Admin Image folder:
Once in the Admin Image Option Editor, groups or individual machines within a group can be selected in the left column. Click the “pencil icon” to access the editing options for the group or individual.
Under “How do you want to apply SOLIDWORKS Settings?”, select “Use a setting file exported from the SOLIDWORKS Settings Administrator”, and then click on Launch Settings Administrator.
The Settings Admin lets the SW administrator decide which option list to choose from whether it be the full default list or preexisting option configurations. Choose “Default set of options”. Notice that the Options window looks exactly the same as it always has, except for the additional “Locking” option.
Make sure to note that every file path under “File Locations” has its own checkbox available within the dropdown menu. This checkbox governs whether the specific file path is controlled by the “Apply” or “Lock” checkboxes.
When the administrator is finished with locking the desired options, they can specify when and how the Locked Options will be applied. Admin contact information can be supplied to users as well as granting a password to override locked options.
Finally, save the SLDSETTINGS file (.sldsettings) to a desired network location.
We hope this part of the What’s New series gives you a better understanding of the new features and functions of SOLIDWORKS 2017. Please check back to the CATI Blog as the CATI and MCAD Support Teams will continue to break down many of the new items in SOLIDWORKS 2017. All of these articles will be stored in the category of “SOLIDWORKS What’s New.” You can also learn more about SOLIDWORKS 2017 by clicking on the image below to register for one of CATI’s or CATI’s Design Summit’s.
James Carlin
Application/Support Engineer
Computer Aided Technology