Project Macro: Add Wire Styles

“Do you remember that project you did last year? Well, we have a similar project, but only all the wire styles need to change as it is a new customer.”  You, the designer, were just told that in a meeting and you’re having visions of needing to re-create that whole project.  The one you spent 3 weeks on.  But what if there was a way to carry over the wire styles from an existing project that has all the new wire numbering, colors, and styles we needed?

Enter the Page Macro function to save the day!  SOLIDWORKS Schematic has several additional ways to add the wires, but we will focus on the page macro.  All we will need to do is add our wires to a scheme page and then create a Page Macro.  Once we have that macro, we can simply add it to any project desired and review the wire style manager.  We can adjust wire style groupings, naming or any of the wire style properties in our same but different project!  Let’s walk through the simple steps needed to complete this task:

Open an existing project with our styles added to a scheme page and open that page.  From the context menu, Select create project macro.

, Project Macro: Add Wire Styles


Name the Macro and add to the Macro Library.

, Project Macro: Add Wire Styles

Open our duplicated older project that we want to add the new styles to.  Add to the book by selecting the insert project macro function.

, Project Macro: Add Wire Styles

Select the project macro we created in the earlier step and add it to our existing project.

, Project Macro: Add Wire Styles

Hopefully this will save you tons of time on your next project! Don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team with questions.

Corey Kubichka
CATI Electrical Product Manager
Computer Aided Technology, Inc

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