How often do you use SolidWorks' Recognize Feature?
Whenever you get a file from a customer and they use software other than SolidWorks they may send you IGES or STEP files.
When you open it, SOLIDWORKS will ask you, Do you wish to run Import Diagnostics on this part and Do you want to proceed with feature recognition?
If you select No for both, you will get an Import1 body.
You say to yourself, "How can I work with this?"
SOLIDWORKS makes it easy for you. Rather than saying No to both, say Yes to both.
When you say Yes to the Import Diagnostics, you will get a dialog box stating you have gaps or faulty faces. Click Attempt to heal all.
SW will do it's thing and you will see this.
Go ahead and click on the green check mark (OK).
You will then be asked Do You Want to Proceed With Feature Recognition. Click Yes and the Feature Works dialog box pops up.
Selecting appropriate Recognition Mode:
Automatic will automaticall recognize and highlight as many features as possible.
Interactive will allow you to selectthe feature type and the entities that make up the features that you want to recognize.
Feature Type gives you the capability of standard or sheet metal features.
Automatic Features will generate the features you have choosen.
Go ahead and click on the green check mark(OK) and you have your results.
Now we are ready to rock.
Roger G Ruffin Jr.
Application Engineer