GUI is for the birds
Great Aunt Eleanor took some time today away from her World of WarCraft to offer this advice: “Why do with a mouse what you can do with the keyboard?”
I blinked slowly as she handed me this listing of keyboard shortcuts you can use in the SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM reference dialogs (check in, check out, change state etc.)
CTRL+A | Select all items in file list |
CTRL+L | Check out all files (from the earlier versions when “lock” meant “checkout”) |
CTRL+U | Check in all files (unlock) |
CTRL+K | Keep all files checked out |
CTRL+G | Get all files |
CTRL+R | Increase revision on all files |
CTRL+N | Undo check out on all files |
CTRL+O | Remove local copies of all files |
CTRL+S | Use latest version of all files |
After she shared this list with me, she went back to her game muttering about getting a keyboard shortcut to catch Mr. T.