Exalead OnePart
An innovative software solution that optimizes communication among internal company engineers, product managers, technicians and procurement specialists to make it easy to locate and then reuse existing parts, product designs and related information. The time and cost savings resulting from use of this business directory application can be significant. Your company has invested time and money into these engineering assets and intellectual properties. Now, you can put them to good use.. or reuse.
By incorporating the latest search functionality available on the most popular web search engines, Exalead OnePart can locate information from multiple sources and make it available instantly. The improved internal communications benefits are remarkable. This software serves as a legacy CAD system bridge when converting and opening files in a new environment. It proves itself particularly useful following a merger or acquisition.
- Promote collaboration resulting from the intuitive browser-based web navigation
- Explore legacy parts as well as 2D and 3D designs to gain immediate insight into previously hidden data
- Refine searches using side-by-side comparisons to identify the best part for reuse
- Analyze documentation like specifications, test results, certifications and more to validate parts found
- Search from a single full-text search bar that includes auto-completion, wild card, spell check and multi-suggest features
- Use the 3D similarity shape search
- View parent and child relationships in assemblies
- Access the 3D mechanical feature mining function that locates parts based on holes, pads, grooves and more
- Generate user tagging for optimal collaboration
Is Exalead OnePart right for you? Let us help you decide.
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