SOLIDWORKS - Drawing Notes with a Leader Line from the Top
Users have asked me in the past how to create notes that have leaders other than the standard left and right. In the example below, we'll look at creating a block that can be used as a note with a leader coming from the top.
1. Create a new drawing (doesn't matter what size, we're not going to save it)
2. Draw a rectangle and put an annotation inside it.
3. Select the rectangle and the text. Then go up to the annotation toolbar and select blocks->make block.
4. In the Make Block property manager drop down the Insertion Point menu and position the diagonal black arrow and blue axes at the point you would like the leader to appear from.
5. Clear the lines from the Block Entities selection box so that only the note remains. Click the green check mark.
6. Right click on the text and choose "Edit Block"
7. Select the text, in the property manager give it an attribute name "text" (or something like that). Make sure this attribute takes or else you will not be able to edit your text.
8. Select "Save Block" from the blocks menu. Name it "NoteTopLeader" (or whatever).
9. Open the drawing you want to add this note to.
10. Go to Annotations->Blocks->Insert Block. Browse for your block or it might be open already. Turn on the leader and you can position it where ever.
Christian Maldonado
Computer Aided Technology, Inc.