Coming Soon: SolidNetwork Licensing with no dongle, no file, no fuss
If there is anyone out there that is running SolidNetwork Licensing (SNL) for SOLIDWORKS and does not like being tied to a particular server with a license file and a hardware lock, dongle, HASP device, or thingy that is on the back of my server with a light on it. Then you are in luck as SOLIDWORKS is now running a Beta Program that will eliminate the need for a license file or hardware lock.
How are they doing this you might ask, and the answer is pretty simple. SOLIDWORKS is using the Activation Process that they have already been using for their Standalone seats of software since SW2007.
So if I still have your interest at this point then the next questions you probably have are: how do I get involved in this Beta Program and how easy is it to implement? Once again the answer is pretty simple and I worked with a customer the other day and we were able to install the SNL Manager on a new server, activate the server and switch a user over to the new server in less than 15 min. Obviously, we did not run into any snags but I would say that this is a pretty realistic expectation of how long it should take. If you already have SNL installed on the server the change from license file and hardware lock to activation could take less than 5 min.
How to get involved in the Beta Program – Call your VAR and aske them to log a Service Request with SOLIDWORKS to get you signed up for the program. All you need to know is the serial number of your SOLIDWORKS network seat. Once SOLIDWORKS completes the request, your VAR will send you a set of instructions and a Registry File (I have attached a copy of those to this posting).
How to implement SNL Activation – The first thing you will want to do is to ask your VAR to confirm that your Serial Number is listed on the SW Activation Portal (they should know what you are talking about). The second item you will need is the set of instructions I have attached to this article.
5-12-09 Important Update
We have found that there is a issue with running Activation Based SNL on SP3.0 of the SNL License Manager. For more information please see our new post by clicking on the link below.
Josh Altergott
CATI Support Team Leader