3DQPress V6 What's New – Unfold UAR Hem
UAR Hem is a new feature induced to handle a region folded narrowly along the edge of a part.
1. The new UAR Hem will allow unfolding of a Hem along a contour edge as shown.
2. Click Unfold Icon on the 3DQPress Unfolding Toolbar.
3. Select the highlighted face as the fixed face and click OK.
4. RMB on Sheet Metal Object and select User Assisted Recognition.
5. Click Add to add feature.
6. Select the feature type to be UAR Hem.
7. Select the highlighted faces as the feature face (RMB select others) to select inside the HEM form.
8. Enter 0.2mm as hem radius, and 180deg for hem angle.
9. Click OK to rebuild the unfold part.
10. Hem Feature is created.
11. Right click on the 3DQPress sheet metal object and select unfold all.
Thanks and I hope you enjoy all of the new enhancements to 3DQPress V6, please check back to view our other articles in this series of 3DQPress V6 Whats New.
Ronnie C. Flaugh
Technical Analyst
Strategic Technology Solutions
Computer Aided Technology, Inc