3DExperience 2014x Enhancements for SolidWorks Connector

The SolidWorks connector for ENOVIA 3DExperience 2014x has many enhancements and some of the important ones are as follows:

Copy Structure

From the Windows Explorer, you can use Copy Structure to copy an assembly and its entire structure (subassemblies,

parts, and drawings) to a folder in a Connector for SolidWorks workspace.

Link from a file in X-CAD Design Management to Connector for SolidWorks

When you unlock a file in X-CAD Design Management, you can immediately:

Open the file in SolidWorks.

Get a copy of the file in Connector for SolidWorks.

Check out the file in Connector for SolidWorks.

Get Latest Released Revision

You can get the latest released revision of a part or assembly from the ENOVIA CommandManager in SolidWorks or

from the Action menu in the Windows Explorer view of Connector for SolidWorks. When you get the latest released

revision, the system also retrieves the latest released version of each of the reference

Save Additional File Types

You can now save file types other than SolidWorks CAD files. This feature means you can check in and check out files

such as SolidWorks template files, spreadsheets, text files, and PDF files, and more.

Search on Dates

With the search on dates feature, you can use the Connector for SolidWorks Search using date attributes, that is, exact

dates, dates in a range, and aliases such as "Today" or "This Month".

Object Naming Extension

This feature allows users who turn off auto-numbering to use file names instead.

Graphical Card Editor

Connector for SolidWorks includes a graphical card editor for editing and creating file, folder, workspace, and search


Support for Windows 8

Connector for SolidWorks now supports Windows 8.

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