Stratasys 3D Printing: Objet Idle Mode and Shut Down Procedures
Keeping the Printer in Idle Mode or Shutting Down
Between printing jobs, the Objet printer can be left unused for several days. If the printer will not be used for up to a week, use the Shutdown wizard to automatically perform the procedures that must be done before turning off the printer (see “Shutting Down the Printer”, below).
When the printer stops producing models, the printer software automatically reduces the temperature of the print heads as follows:
- First 15 minutes – Standby 1 – no change
- Next 5 minutes – Standby 2 – Heating reduced (to room temp)
- After Standby 2 – Idle – heating stopped
Note: The printer mode is indicated in the green field on the left of the printer interface.
If after printing a job, you know that the printer will not be used for 20 minutes or more, you can immediately turn off the heating of the print heads by putting the printer into Idle mode.
Putting the Printer Into Idle Mode
From the File menu in the printer interface, click Exit.
Note: The printer remains in Idle mode until you open the Objet printer application and begin printing again.
When the printer is in Idle mode, do not turn it off. It can remain in this mode with the cover closed for a several days. For longer periods, shut down the printer by running the Shutdown wizard (see below).
Shutting Down the Printer
You only need to shut down the Objet printer if it will not be used for up to a week. Otherwise, the printer can remain on, in Idle mode. The Shutdown process flushes printing materials from printer components. To avoid flushing out valuable material, make sure to print models at least once a week. Many printer operators use this opportunity to print customer samples or test models.
To properly shut down, the printer needs to perform several processes. Do not attempt to shut down the printer by simply closing the computer interface (the printer-control application), and never disconnect power to the printer before completing the Shutdown wizard.
Caution: Not using the printer for an extended period without first running the shutdown wizard can cause serious damage to print heads and other expensive printer parts.
Shutdown for Up to One Week
Before shutting down the printer or the printer computer for up to one week, run the “Shutdown Wizard”. This wizard clears the print heads of printing materials before shutdown.
To run the Shutdown wizard:
- Select Options then Shutdown Wizard, or press F8.
- Select Run wizard unattended, unless you want more control over the shutdown process.
Note: If you select Run wizard unattended, the wizard automatically turns off the printer computer at the end of the process.
If you select, ‘run manually’, you can tell the printer that the tray is full and it will automatically lower the tray for maintenance or service or if there is a part still on the tray.
- Click Next
The shutdown procedure begins. The shutdown procedure may take up to 10 minutes while the following tasks are performed:
- The print block returns to its starting point on all axes.
- The print heads are heated.
- The print heads are cleared of any remaining material.
After these tasks are completed, the final wizard screen appears, in which you can choose whether or not to shut down the computer in the Objet printer.
When completely shutting down the Objet printer and turning the power off, select ‘Yes’ and click ‘Next’. After the printer computer shuts down, turn off the main power switch at the back.
When ready to resume printing after a shutdown of a few days up to a week and no cleaning solution has been put into the printer-power on the printer. You may want to run a few purges.
Options-Execute Purge or hit F4 and a pattern test Options-Pattern test or hit F3. If the printer has not printed a job in 48 hours, it will automatically do a re-initiate. This could take up to 20 minutes or so to complete.
Shutdown for More Than One Week
Before shutting down the printer for more than one week, first run the “Material Flush/Fill Wizard”. This wizard replaces printing materials in the print block with cleaning fluid.
To run the Material Flush Fill Wizard:
- Click on Options-Wizards-Material Flush/Fill Wizard.
- Click Next.
- Choose Drain materials and Flush system with cleaning fluid.
- Click next.
- Click next on the message that pops up about incompatible resin.
- Confirm the 4 cleaning cartridges are installed and they all have over 300g of cleaning solution and the drawer is closed.
- Check the three boxes and then click next.
- Check that the printer cover is closed and click on the box. Click next.
Note: After filling the printer with the cleaning solution using the Material Flush/Fill wizard, it will be necessary to run the Material Flush/Fill Wizard again before your next print. This time, use the Fill System With Printing Material option and follow the prompts.
Using the Material Flush/Fill wizard before and after an extended period of inactivity (over one week) ensures proper printer maintenance and quality printing.
To Run the Shutdown Wizard
Select Options then Shutdown Wizard, or press F8.
Select Run wizard unattended, unless you want more control over the shutdown process.
Note: If you select Run wizard unattended, the wizard automatically turns off the printer computer at the end of the process.
If you select manual, you can tell the printer the tray is full and it will lower the tray before shutting down.
Click Next
The options in the following screens are enabled only if you selected Run wizard manually in the opening wizard screen. In the next screen, indicate whether or not the tray is empty and click Next.
The shutdown procedure begins. The shutdown procedure may take up to 10 minutes while the following tasks are performed:
- The print block returns to its starting point on all axes.
- The print heads are heated.
- The print heads are cleared of any remaining material.
After these tasks are completed, the final wizard screen appears, in which you choose whether or not to shut down the computer in the Objet printer at this time.
When completely shutting down the Objet printer and turning the power off, select ‘Yes’ and click ‘Next’. After the printer computer shuts down, turn off the main power switch at the back.
When you are ready to resume printing after an extended shutdown with cleaning solution in the printer.
Power on the printer.
Run the Material Flush Fill Wizard and this time fill the printer with printing material.
You may want to run a few purges. Options-Execute Purge or hit F4. and pattern test Options-Pattern test or hit F3. If the printer has not printed a job in 48 hours it will automatically do a re-initiate. This could take up to 20 minutes or so to complete. It will do this first before any jobs will print.
Paula Durham
Computer Aided Technology