Streamlining In Process Inspections With Handheld Scanning
Streamlining In Process Inspections With Handheld 3D Scanning
In process inspections are a necessary evil when producing machined parts. They can be time consuming, especially in the case of parts with complex geometries. Either a part has to be checked in the machine with hand tools only taking simple measurements or removed from the machining center and placed in a CMM to gather all of the measurements and GD&T data. One way provides more information about the part but costs valuable machine hours and requires the part to be re-indicated into the machining center to make any adjustments. The other way provides lesser information but allows for easier correction of issues.
But did you know there is a third option? Creaform 3D scanners. With hand-held 3D scanning, these thorough inspections can be done at the machining center without removing the part from it’s fixture. The metrology grade HandyScan Black Elite or the Go!Scan Spark are both excellent offering for this application.
Within minutes, the scanner can be deployed at the machine and the part data can be collected.
This will yield a mesh for the scanned part that can be analyzed within Creaform’s VXinspect software. With VXinspect deviation color-mapping, feature inspection, GD&T analysis and full inspection reporting can all be performed.
This higher level information can provide valuable feedback to the machinist, shedding more light on the overall effects of the machining process and setup. This entire inspection was done with minimal interruption to the machine’s up time in less than 5 minutes.
If you would like to know more about Creaform 3D scanners or would like to see how these scanners can improve your manufacturing processes, please contact your local application engineer.
Collin Manchester
Application Engineer
Computer Aided Technology, Inc.