5 Best Announcements & Presentations From SOLIDWORKS World 2016

We had quite the schedule while visiting Dallas for SOLIDWORKS World this year. Not only did we have a customer appreciation welcome reception the first day of World, we also had nine of our own engineers presenting breakout sessions throughout the three days. But we still had time to put together a list of our favorite announcements and presentations from SOLIDWORKS World. Here are five of our favorites!




We were very excited to hear that kids were a big focus at this year’s World. A specialized version of SOLIDWORKS will help them become interested and certified in SOLIDWORKS for STEM related careers in the future. In fact, there are already a whopping 70,000 students across the United States certified in SOLIDWORKS! Not only is this initiative sparking interest in engineering in students, it is also promoting creativity within their designs created in SOLIDWORKS. Bridging analytical and creative thinking is a huge, innovative process that we can get behind.

2. Design = Technology with Yves Behar

This was an enlightening presentation with design legend Yves Behar, who talked about the close relationship between good design and good technology. In his presentation, Behar said that design equals technology because it needs to be people friendly. Without the person element, technology cannot exist. This also goes hand-in-hand with teaching engineers of the new generation about good design and encouraging creativity.

3. Xdesign

Need a browser-based SOLIDWORKS application that can do file management, modeling, model based definition, and design guidance? Then you’re going to love Xdesign. Browser elements also means working in a highly secure cloud system that can save, archive, and retrieve everything that a project team needs without having to endlessly search for it.

4. Part Supply

On top of Xdesign, this innovative feature will allow designers in SOLIDWORKS to easily find and copy parts from a library stored in the cloud and utilizes geometry, meta, and contextual search to help you find those parts quickly. This cuts time on searching and even indexing parts drastically, allowing for more time to be spent on the actual project.

5. Neil Gershenfeld and bringing machines back to urban economy

The global economy is rapidly changing, which includes the job market along with it. That means thinking of machinery and robotics in a different light that implements both automation and people. MIT rock star Neil Gershenfeld put this into simple terms that anyone could get behind, such as bringing manufacturing jobs back to the United States and being able to rapidly build new neighborhoods.

Missed out on SOLIDWORKS World this year? We’re hosting a live event in Wisconsin on Monday, March 7th, that will have highlights of the best announcements that came out of World. Plus, you’ll get to see the most popular presentation we had at SOLIDWORKS World, hosted by the actual presenter.

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