Isight - Improve Product Design with Parametric Optimization

In today’s computer-aided product development environment, engineers use a multitude and variety of design and simulation tools. Often parameters and results from one software package are used as inputs for the next software that is to be used. Manually inputting this data can lead to:

  • reduced efficiency
  • slow product development
  • human error

Isight addresses all of these issues.

IsightIsight provides designers, engineers, and researchers with a powerful system for automating computer-aided product development processes, exploring the design space and performing parametric optimization.

Isight is an open system for integrating design and CAE simulation models. Isight is used to create flexible simulation process flows (simflows) consisting of a variety of applications/components Isight comes with a standard library of application components such as ABAQUS and CATIA as well as third party applications which are used for building simflows (see example simflow pictured to the left and below).

, Isight – Improve Product Design with Parametric OptimizationWithin the simflow you can also add techniques, also know as drivers (i.e., Design of Experiments, Optimization, DOE, Six Sigma, Taguchi, Monte Carlo, etc.) which are used for design exploration and/or optimization.

The Isight graphic user interface, called the design gateway, allows for easy drag-and-drop process creation. Isight allows for branching and looping executions. Isight runs on a token-based system similar to ABAQUS. The number of tokens to be used for your simflow is dependent upon simflow content, simflow complexity, and parallel batch size.

The benefits of Isight are many and varied for engineers and product developers.  To start using Isight to improve efficiency, accelerate product design, and reduce manual errors, contact CATI today. We would love to give you more information about this widely used and well respected industry software.

, Isight – Improve Product Design with Parametric Optimization


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